Top 5 Quietest Portable Air Conditioner of 2021: Reviews and Buyer’s Guide

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You would think air conditioners are already quiet. But in reality, it can get noisy, and there are people who do not like the continuous hums of machines.

Take it from me. I just want to rest, work, and do my daily chores at peace. There’s already too much noise from the appliances and gadgets I’m using at home.

I wish I could have soundless equipment, but sometimes the less noisy ones would have to suffice.

Let’s be honest, the last thing we want is for a portable air conditioner to keep us up all night because of its unbearable noise.

If your space has a central air conditioning, you may be familiar with the loud whir of an air conditioner, yet it is not relatively loud because the unit is placed outside.

Meanwhile, a whole portable air conditioner is positioned inside your space, and the added noise comes with it.

To give you peace of mind and comfort, it is crucial to invest in the quietest portable air conditioner.

To help you get started on the hunt for the best quiet portable air conditioner, I am sharing the fact that 53 dBa is the average noise level for a portable AC.

Just imagine you are sitting next to a light conversation or an average home refrigerator.

In the next parts, we are going to review 5 of the best quietest portable air conditioners that can actually cool your space while giving you the softest noise you can possibly hear.

The 5 Of The Best Quietest Portable Air Conditioners

Doesn't have time to read this entire review, we've simplified everything for you.

Here I’ve put together this handy table to make it easier and faster to compare noise level and coverage area of 5 of the best quite portable AC units we've review in this post.

Quietest Portable AC Units




5: Best Quiet Portable Ac For Large Room: Honeywell MN12CES

  • Cooling Capacity: 400-550 square feet
  • Noise Levels (dBa): 55 decibels
Fill Counter

4: Most Energy Efficient: Honeywell Contempo Series 12, 000 BTU

  • Cooling Capacity: 450 to 550 square feet
  • Noise Levels (dBa): 49 to 52 decibels
Fill Counter

3: Best For Bedroom: Ivation Portable Air Conditioner 10,000 BTU

  • Cooling Capacity: Up to 400 square feet
  • Noise Levels (dBa): 55 dBa
Fill Counter

2: Most Durable: Honeywell MM14CCS 14000 BTU

  • Cooling Capacity: 550-700 square feet
  • Noise Levels (dBa): 54 dBa
Fill Counter

1: Quietest Portable Air Conditioner: Haier HPC12XCR 12,000 BTU

  • Cooling Capacity: 350-450 square feet
  • Noise Levels (dBa): 50 dBa
Fill Counter

How We Found The Quietest Portable ACs: Scoring Process

Understanding Noise Levels, Decibels, and White Noise..............

First things first, even the quietest portable air conditioners create noise because they are installed with motorized compressor systems and fans to circulate and cool the air.

Again, the noise level of a portable air conditioner is not extremely loud. But when combined with white noise, it is definitely noticeable and louder than what is normally perceived.

For some people, white noise is the static sounds that can be quite loud. It is the combination of different frequencies that the human ear can hear and recognize.

Sometimes it could take form in soft buzzing sounds from people talking, steady rainfall, or even a quietest portable air conditioner.

However, definitions of quietness and loudness differ from one person to another. Remember, ears are so sensitive to sounds.

Decibel is the unit of measurement for the loudness of sound. The human ear can endure sounds of up to 180 dBa.

Fair warning, exposure to noise levels about 90 dBa could lead to permanent hearing damage.

So going back to the revelation that 53 dBa is the average noise level for the quietest portable air conditioners, the Haier HPC12XCR 12,000 BTU is able to achieve this.

Yet, the Haier HPC12XCR portable air conditioner is only ideal for spaces up to 450 square feet. So if you need to cover a larger area, you may consider the Honeywell MM14CCS Portable Air Conditioner that produces up to 54 decibels.

Don’t worry, the normal sound range for a quietest portable air conditioner is between 45 to 55 dBa. To help you imagine what range of decibels you typically hear, check this chart:

Noise Level (dBa)



A person breathing


Rustling leaves or whispering


Recording studio or a quiet rural area


Bird calls or library sounds


Large electrical transformers or refrigerator


Light conversation or electronic toothbrush


Vacuum cleaner or washing machine


Food blender or alarm clock


A lawn mower or subway train


Jet take-off or factory machinery


Chainsaw or car horn

Correctly Size a Portable Air Conditioner 

The rule of thumb is that the area of a single room is the total square footage. This can be determined by multiplying the room length by its width.

Ask yourself, will my portable air conditioner be able to efficiently cool my space?

An undersized portable air conditioner won’t sufficiently cool your space while a model that is too large will not eliminate enough humidity.

Furthermore, you must be able to identify the British Thermal Unit (BTU) of your preferred unit.

How many BTUs do you need?

British Thermal Unit is basically the conversion efficiency of heat into electrical energy. In simple terms, BTU is the way to measure how effective a quiet portable air conditioner is.

The three most common and recommendable power ranges are 10,000, 12,000, and 14,000. Units with higher BTU ratings provide more cooling power to bigger spaces.

Fortunately, the quietest portable air conditioners reviewed in this post meet those ranges.

Generally, power is one of the most critical aspects of a quiet portable air conditioner. Not enough power will leave your portable air conditioner whirring hard all day.

Yet, too much power will cool your space so fast that the unit won’t be able to eliminate moisture from the air.

Quietest Portable Air Conditioner BTU Power

Room Size (Square Feet)

















You must increase the BTU capacity by 10% for each foot if your space has a ceiling higher than 8 feet.

Meanwhile, you can lessen the amount of BTU by 10% if your space is greatly shaded. Likewise, boost the BTU capacity by 10% if your space is affected by sunny or window light.

How many BTUs do you need to cool your room?

Size in Square Feet

Recommended British Thermal Unit

Small Spaces

200-350 square feet
Example: a small office or a bedroom

8,000 to 10,000

Medium-Sized Spaces

351-700 square feet
Example: office room or living

10,000 to 14,000

Large and Commercial Spaces

701 to 900 square feet
Example: manufacturing facilities or large server rooms


Top 5 Quietest Portable Air Conditioner Reviews in 2021 

we've reviewed 20 different model and have prepared a comprehensive list of the 5 quietest portable air conditioners you should consider.

We have also created a comparison table for your convenience. Now, let us examine every product’s facts and figures, drawbacks, and advantages. 

1: Our pick for the quietest Portable ac: Haier HPC12XCR 12,000 BTU 

Haier HPC12XCR 12,000 BTU Best For Office Or Living Room

Because of its compact size, Haier Portable Air Conditioner can keep noise levels to at just 50 decibels.

Despite this, Haier HPC12XCR is strong enough to keep a 450 square feet space cool enough because of its 12,000 BTU cooling capacity. It even opted for a single-hose model, which made it more efficient.

At 50 decibels, Haier HPC12XCR is the quietest portable air conditioner reviewed in this list. It’s just like hearing faint sounds of light traffic.

If digital convenience is an enticing factor you, you’ll definitely love the electronic capacities of Haier HPC12XCR.

This model comes with a full function remote control and a 2-way air direction that allow you to control the device from anywhere in the room.

You can also adjust the temperature digitally, as well as set an on and off timer.

Furthermore, Haier HPC12XCR has an auto evaporation feature for continuous operation. When the turbine fan sprays water onto internal coils, the water evaporates into water vapor.

As a result, you do not have to manually drain the machine. This technology enables the unit to operate when water containers are filled, then shuts off accordingly.

Key takeaways

  • British Thermal Unit (BTU): 12,000
  • Noise Levels (dBa): 50 dBa
  • Cooling Capacity: Up to 350-450 square feet
  • Cooling Control System: Thermostatic
  • Plug Capacity (Voltage and Amps): 125V and 15A
  • Material: Hard strong plastic and metal
  • Warranty: 1 year
  • Package Inclusions: Portable air conditioner body, instruction manual, remote control, window exhaust kit with a panel and 5-feet exhaust hose

The said function will create a sound as if the water is splattering. Do not fret, for this is the auto evaporation at work. When the Haier Portable Air Conditioner sprays mist over the condenser coils, the excess moisture is removed through the exhaust hose. 

The Haier HPC12XCR has three speeds: low, medium, and high. It also comes with a top-flow design to keep a space cool.

The dehumidifying mode helps eliminate humidity from the interiors during rainy months, and mugginess in the warmer seasons.

The quick-install window kit includes a 5-feet exhaust hose that can be placed in a horizontal or vertical window opening. Meanwhile, the panel that goes in a window is about 46 inches. There’s also a slide-out washable tray.

Haier Portable Electronic Air Conditioner with Remote 12,000 BTU, HPC12XCR

The model doesn’t have a drain bucket or pan, but it automatically dissipates in use so there’s no need to be constantly wary of condensation.

This quietest portable air conditioner also alerts you if it collects too much water and shuts off.


Haier HPC12XCR does not come with an air purifier nor a heating ability. Sometimes it could take more than 5 minutes before it can cool a room.

Why You Should Buy It? Our Verdict

At just 50 decibels and 12,000 BTU cooling capacity, the Haier HPC12XCR is of the quietest Portable Air Conditioner which can cool spaces up to 450 square feet. The unit is made from hard strong plastic, which enables it to mask noise levels more effectively.

This unit’s petite size enables it to keep a low noise level, while being powerful enough to produce consistent cooling. Haier HPC12XCR is actually the best choice if you want to keep white noise to a minimum and make use of its portability advantages.

This quietest portable air conditioner includes a reliable thermostat and digital controls for simple temperature modification. It can even work efficiently on days that are below 90 degrees. Here’s more portability takeaway for you, the Haier HPC12XCR has wheels that roll easily! 

2: Most Durable: Honeywell MM14CCS 14000 BTU

Key takeaways

  • British Thermal Unit (BTU): 14,000
  • Noise Levels (dBa): 54 dBa
  • Cooling Capacity: Up to 550-700 square feet
  • Cooling Control System: Thermostatic
  • Plug Capacity (Voltage and Amps): 125V and 15A
  • Material: Hard strong plastic and metal
  • Warranty: 1 year
  • Package Inclusions: Air conditioner body, instruction manual, remote control, window kit with a 4-feet hose

The Honeywell MM14CCS Portable Air Conditioner boasts fan, dehumidifying, and cooling technology even at just 14,000 BTU. Your space of 550 to 700 square feet will only get 54 decibels of noise.

Its powerful airflow of 265 FCM is discharged via top air. It delivers an auto-evaporation technology that permits hours of constant operation with no-drip technology.

When I first encountered this model, it was quieter than a traditional window air conditioner. At 54 decibels, this unit is still on the average noise levels.

This quietest portable air conditioner also has an environmentally friendly refrigerant and thermal overload protection.

In addition, it provides a tri-fan setting: high, medium, and low. The fan only mode of this portable air conditioning unit circulates air even when the device is cooling your space.

Similarly, its functions as a dehumidifier by removing excess moisture in the air. It can remove up to 90 pints in 24 hours.

This is ideal especially if the unit is located in a basement. Also, the continuous drain option is extra helpful when you need a long unattended operation.

Because of its portability, the Honeywell MM14CCS needs no permanent installation whereas the smooth-gliding caster wheels offer convenient mobility for transporting.

What's more, the auto-evaporation system means a continuous drain system can be set up when the unit is used as a dehumidifier.

The window venting kit is easy to install because of its flexible exhaust hose and removable window vent.

The window bracket can be installed either horizontally or vertically, and is adjustable from 19.9 to 47.25 inches.

This quiet portable air conditioner has a 24-hour energy saving timer and a full-function remote control that enables you to activate functions from anywhere across your space.

Moreover, the Honeywell MM14CCS Portable AC unit is installed with a washable single filtration system to protect itself from pet dander, hair, and dust.


The Honeywell MM14CCS doesn’t have a heat setting. At 54 decibels, it is louder compared to the first two products. It also tends to vibrate, which increases its noise level. If you are familiar to the Honeywell 12,000 BTU model, there’s a price jump that you might not like.

Why You Should Buy It? Our Verdict

The Honeywell MM14CCS has the capacity to cool and dehumidify areas of up to 550-700 square feet at just 54 decibels. It includes a remote control that allows you to simply operate the device’s 3-in-1 technology.

The Honeywell MM14CCS portable air conditioner is designed with a cooling power enough to handle even the hottest of summers. This quiet portable air conditioner features an auto-evaporation technology that lets you run the model for hours with no water to drain.

The Honeywell MM14CCS is also armed with an easy-to-install window venting kit and a flexible exhaust hose. Its four caster wheels deliver easy mobility between places. Despite being slighter noisier than the average noise level, it is still recommendable because of its cooling capacity.

3: Best for bedroom: Ivation Single-Hose Portable Air Conditioner with Dehumidifier 10,000 BTU

Best For Bedroom: Ivation Single-Hose Portable Air Conditioner With Dehumidifier 10,000 BTU

The Ivation 10,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner can effectively cool spaces up to 400 square feet. At 55 decibels, it can be more noticeable than the rest of the three products, but the sound is similar to the noise level of a suburban area at night.

It has 5 functional modes: cool, dry, fan, auto, and sleep energy saver. This unit also serves as a dehumidifier. The sleep or the economy mode automatically increases the temperature by 2 degrees Fahrenheit.

The temperature will be increased again after 30 minutes and it will be maintained for at least 7 hours.

This quiet portable air conditioner has a drain alert function wherein the device beeps 8 times to alert you if water has reached the maximum level and must be removed.  

The model gives you three adjustable fan speeds-- low, medium, and high—than can be controlled using a remote control. In addition, its dehumidifying powers get rid of damp and sticky feeling in spaces by removing up to 61 pints of moisture per day.

The temperature can be adjusted precisely anywhere between 62 degrees Fahrenheit and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. A handheld remote manipulates the integrated LED display.

Key takeaways

  • British Thermal Unit (BTU): 10,000
  • Noise Levels (dBa): 55 dBa
  • Cooling Capacity: Up to 400 square feet
  • Cooling Control System: Thermostatic
  • Plug Capacity (Voltage and Amps): 115V and 9.8A
  • Material: Plastic and metal
  • Warranty: 1 year
  • Package Inclusions: Air conditioner body, instruction manual, remote control with 2 AAA batteries, outtake hose kit

Aside from being discreet in size and lightweight, the Ivation Portable Air Conditioner includes a unique hose-style exhaust that frees up window space.

Furthermore, the expandable outtake hose kit easily exhausts hot air through any standards slider or double hung window.

The air filter periodically removes and cleans the portable air conditioners. I suggest cleaning the unit every 14 days to sustain optimal performance.

Similar to usual portable air conditioners, this model has easy-roll caster wheels for effortless moving from room to room.

When the power is lost due to an outage, the device will automatically restart with the previous function setting approximately 3 minutes after the power resumes.

Based on trial, the window installation kit can seal a maximum of 48 inches of a window’s opening.


For a large-sized model, the Ivation 10,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner can only cool spaces up to 400 square feet.

The humidifier of this quiet portable air conditioner may not be much effective in exceptionally humid places. It may also bit noisier in a small space compared to the other products.

Why You Should Buy It? Our Verdict

The Ivation Portable Air Conditioner efficiently cools spaces up to 400 square, while also removing humidity and heat. It has 3 unique operation settings: cool, fan, dehumidify, auto, and sleep.

In spite of producing 55 decibels of noise, it remains a reliable quiet portable air conditioner to cool spaces fast and effective.

4: Most energy efficient: Honeywell Contempo Series 12, 000 BTU 

Honeywell Contempo Series 14, 000 BTU Best for large rooms

The dual motor technology of the Honeywell Portable air conditioner ensures lower levels of noise.

This model from the Contempo Series portable ACs produces between 49 to 52 decibels at the highest speed setting.

This is below the usual average of a quiet portable air conditioner. It’s like the sound level of two people having an average conversation in a quiet room.  

At 52 decibels, this quietest portable air conditioner creates relatively low noise levels. It’s akin to hearing a soft conversation.

You can depend on this quietest portable air conditioner to cool spaces of up to 450 to 550 square feet at a temperature range of 61 to 89 degrees Fahrenheit. This unit from the Contempo Series has an automatic vertical wind motion that helps allocate cool air evenly and fast.

Key takeaways

  • British Thermal Unit (BTU): 12,000
  • Noise Levels (dBa): 49 to 52 decibels
  • Cooling Capacity: 450 to 550 square feet
  • Cooling Control System: Dual motor
  • Plug Capacity (Voltage and Amps): 115V and 10.5A 
  • Material: Plastic and metal
  • Warranty: 1 year
  • Package Inclusions: Portable air conditioner body, instruction manual, remote control (batteries included), full set window kit with a 4-feet hose and a window bracket width of 33.1 inches

Honeywell Contempo Series Portable Air Conditioner is built with a sleep mode and 3 fan speeds: high, medium, and low.

Additionally, it can produce an airflow of 241 CFM. This portable AC even comes with a 24-hour energy saving timer.

Its remote control and digital controls enable you to change settings easily from across the room.

For the full set window kit, you will find a quick and easy to install 4-feet hose. The panels are applicable to horizontal and vertical windows. The window adapter has a minimum width of 32 inches.

What I also like about this unit is its thermal overload protection feature for safety purposes. In addition, it is designed with dual filters to protect itself from hair, pet dander, dust, and other impurities in the air.

As a result, the device extends its product life, value, and performance. Don’t worry, I was able to clean the filters under a faucet, which manifests easy maintenance.

Who doesn’t love stress-free appliances?

This model also showcases auto evaporation technology. Yes, you won’t need to empty any bucket, unless you live in an area with high humidity.

Nevertheless, its built-in dehumidifier eliminates up to 86 pints in 24 hours. There’s even a continuous drain option for long unattended operation.

Meanwhile, there’s a pre-set 10-hour program for the sleep mode while increasing the temperature at fixed intervals.

I highly suggest venting this quiet portable air conditioner since there is a large tube to vent out the back. Otherwise, the hot air will blow out from the back of the portable air conditioner.


At 65 pounds, it’s heavier compared to the other models, so transporting it may need 2 to 3 people. Similarly, it may take up more floor space than you expect. The remote is also bulkier compared to other models.

Why You Should Buy It? Our Verdict

This product from the Contempo Series portable ACs can cool and dehumidify 450 to 550 square feet spaces at just 49 to 52 decibels and 12,000 BTU. Its 3-speed fan function delivers fresh ventilation, dehumidification, and optimum cooling.

There’s also the auto-evaporation system, which is reliable for easy maintenance and guaranteed dehumidification. Honeywell Contempo Series Portable Air Conditioner also includes an easy-to-install and removable window venting as well as a flexible exhaust.

This quiet portable air conditioner has a full-function remote control that enables you to control the device from anywhere across your space. Likewise, the sleep mode allows you to regulate the temperature.

5: Best Quiet Portable Ac For Large Room: Honeywell MN12CES

Best Quiet Portable Ac For Large Room Honeywell MN12CES

For starters, Honeywell MN12CES is one of the best-selling quietest portable air conditioners in the market. At 55 decibels, imagine you are hearing a low volume of radio at a 1-meter distance.

Just like the first Honeywell quietest portable air conditioner we’ve discovered, this certain model is dependable to cool a room up to 550 square feet.

At 12,000 BTU, the Honeywell MN12CES Portable Air Conditioner can remove up to 66 pints in 24 hours, dehumidifying your room for days.

From what I’ve observed, it is noisier than a fan, but is not irritating at 55 decibels. It’s like having a background noise or two people having a normal conversation.

Key takeaways

  • British Thermal Unit (BTU): 12,000
  • Noise Levels (dBa): 55 decibels
  • Cooling Capacity: Up to 400-550 square feet
  • Cooling Control System: Thermostatic
  • Plug Capacity (Voltage and Amps): 110V and 10.8A 
  • Material: Plastic and metal
  • Warranty: 5 years
  • Package Inclusions: Air conditioner body, instruction manual, remote control, full set window kit with 4-feet hose

It produces more noise levels than the first four products, but it remains one of the best quietest portable air conditioners because of its other features.

On the bright side, it can easily cool a 12x12 area. There’s even a remote control designed to help you comfortably control the 3 fan speeds and set the 24-hour energy-saving timer.

The washable filter, which protects the device from dust and hair, is easy to maintain. The quietest portable air conditioner comes with a full set window kit that can be installed on both vertical and horizontal windows.

Drawbacks: The Honeywell MN12CES is a large unit, which could be difficult to move over rugs and carpets. In addition, it only uses a single duct.

Why You Should Buy It? Our Verdict

The Honeywell MN12CES Portable Air Conditioner is easy to set up and use. At 55 decibels and 12,000 BTU, it’s just like hearing the unnoticeable hum of a refrigerator.

This quietest portable air conditioner boasts state of the art features, including 24-hour timer, remote control, fan functions, and a dehumidifier. It is fast in dehumidification and can cool spaces up to 550 square feet.

How to Choose the Quietest Portable Air Conditioner

Location of the portable air conditioner

All mechanized parts of a portable air conditioner such as the fan and compressor will produce noise inside your room, so where you will position an AC is a massive factor.

The noise will also depend on the location of the portable air conditioner in your space. To give you a better picture, imagine placing the unit away from you.

In this way, the noise level is being lessened by the distance. Meanwhile, being next to a portable air conditioner would mean louder noise levels.

Hence, you must know the standard operating noise that your chosen model creates.

Weight and portability of the air conditioner

Portable air conditioners are a single–unit machine, which means you can move the unit at any location you want.

On the downside, a unit normally weighs about 60 to 90 pounds, which means it tends to lean on the heavier side to exert such cooling power.

If you also want to frequently change the location of a portable air conditioner, you must be able to transport it easily, and that means considering the weight of the item.

Some models come with wheels that ensure effortless moving.

Cooling Capacity

The cooling capacity of a quiet portable air conditioner still depends on the layout of your space, as well as the orientation toward the environment outside like direct sunlight and humidity.

For instance, you may require a stronger portable air conditioner to cool your space if your room receives 5 to 15 degrees hotter than its adjacent spaces.

On the other hand, you can deduce the capacity by 10% if the room or space is heavily shaded.

Here is a general guideline you can use:

Noise Level or Decibel Rating

You cannot avoid noise from air conditioning units; you can only choose the model that produces less noise.

While most portable air conditioning units operate between 50 to 60 decibels unit of hearing, it is still considered loud by some people.

For an air conditioner to be considered silent or less noisy, it should operate in the range of 40 to 50 decibels. Imagine the sounds you hear when a desktop CPU is on.

The Material of the Portable Air Conditioner

Non-traditional materials such as plastic are commonly used to construct a quiet portable air conditioner because they reduce cost and weight.

When a portable AC has thick plastic, it can also cover the noise better.


You simply just have to turn off a portable air conditioner before disconnecting the power supply. A soft dry cloth should be used to clean the unit.

I recommend cleaning the air filter every 14 days to maintain an efficient air cooling system.

Furthermore, you must make sure that the machine is installed properly for maximum efficiency.


It is normal for buyers to question whether a quiet portable air conditioner can last for years.

Regardless of promises you’ll see in promotions, product manual, or packaging, there are instances where a portable air conditioner can be damaged during transport.

Thankfully, most manufacturers offer warranties, while only quite a few do not.

Usually, the warranty is already included in the overall price.

Window Ventilation Kit

This is the difference between portable air conditioners and window air conditioners. Portable ACs don’t have half of their bodies hanging outside the window for ventilation purposes, unlike window ACs.

This is why manufacturers send window ventilation kits to enable consumers to alter their windows to accommodate a hose through which the portable unit can regulate ventilation.

A window ventilation kit provides a hose and panels to fit a hose in the window firmly. The panels make sure no air escape whether a window slides vertically or horizontally.

A quiet portable air conditioner still requires access to an outdoor opening, like a window, to effectually eject hot air from the room.

Units with a second hose are able to get air in from the outside to keep the AC cool, which allows it to get its own cool air to operate.

Likewise, it becomes energy efficient, which is needed to make a portable AC quieter.

Remote Control, Thermostat, Timer

Firstly, a remote control gives easy access to adjust cooling options without leaving their positions.

Secondly, portable air conditioners are generally installed with thermostats or temperature readers for quick checking of temperature in your space.

Lastly, most portable air conditioners come with a timer feature, which sets regular intervals to turn on and off a device.

Higher fan settings are likely to create more noise than lower ones. Models with a silent or sleep modes often reduce the noise, but at the cost of cooling capacity.


Haier, Honeywell, and Ivation are three of the most well-trusted brands in electronic machines.

They aren’t the only competitive names around, but we can testify to their products’ overall efficiency; having actually tried some ourselves.


Here’s the catch, the operational efficiency of a portable air conditioner is connected to the machine’s quietness.

While there is no direct between price and quiet portable air conditioners, models on the higher price range tend to show greater efficiency.  

Therefore, more expensive portable air conditioners function more quietly than models that are cheaper.

In the same way, there are some instances where cheap units tend to rattle more, which adds to unnecessary noise levels.

If your budget permits, pick a portable air conditioner that was constructed using thick parts that can mask the noise.

Soundproofing or noise absorption of a room

You may not notice it, but the layout and the things inside your room or space can either increase or decrease the noise levels of your portable air conditioner.

If you have carpets or rags under a quiet portable air conditioner, then the soundproofing materials will absorb the noises.

Purpose of a Quietest Portable Air Conditioner 

A quiet portable air conditioner is a cooling machine intended to cool the air in a moderately sized space or single, but it should still depend on other factors I will explain in the next part of this post.

Moisture is removed from the air and hot air is exhausted when air is cooled. There are portable air conditioners that can discharge water, but pans or buckets must be emptied from time to time.

There are portable air conditioners that can routinely evaporate moisture and the hot air, which are directed out of the cooled space using an exhaust hose or hot air discharge.

Portable air conditioners consist of a compressor, condenser coils, evaporator coils, and a ‘refrigerant’ gas, which enables hot air entering the inside of the air conditioning unit to be cooled and sent back immediately.

This process happens over a period of time until the temperature of the room air reaches the pre-set level by the consumer.

  • Just from the name itself, portability provides you the comfort of moving the unit to any place you want.
  • Portable air conditioners are space efficient because they only take a little portion of a room’s total area.
  • Quiet portable air conditioners are easy to install compared to window ACs.
  • Some portable air conditioning systems offer heating, humidifying, and dehumidifying functions.
  • Quiet portable air conditioners are cheaper than full-home window systems.
  • Aside from its cooling capacity, a portable air conditioner can also provide heat. Bear in mind that not all portable air conditioners have a heating option.

The Main Drawback of a Portable Air Conditioner 

Since a portable air conditioner would mean bringing the whole body inside your room, you will be getting all the noise inside as well. If your unit tends to pool water, it could dampen or wet the inside as well.

Quietest Portable Air Conditioner FAQ

What Is the Difference Between a Single Hose a Dual Hose AC?

A dual duct is more energy efficient than a single hose. If your model has an individual hose, the quiet portable air conditioner takes in and blows out air from a single-hose then causes the cooling process to slow down.

Meanwhile, a two-hose model uses one hose to intake hot air and another to blow out the cool air, which increases energy efficiency.

But some dual hose ACs have two internal fans, which may lead to bigger energy usage.

Can my portable air conditioner dehumidify or humidify my room? 

Here’s a gem: the sign of an efficient portable air conditioner is an effective dehumidification. Unfortunately, some models collect the water processed by dehumidification in a bucket, which should be emptied before it spills over.

There are some cases where a portable air conditioner will leave wet or damp spots due to intense humidity.

How to Install the Window Kit?

Window kits usually include detailed instructions, especially the installation method. But sometimes it is better to seek help from a professional to install the kit if you are unsure.

How to Install Your Portable AC with a Window Kit

Be aware that there are various differences in windows. Measurements could be complex to comprehend.

You may avoid creating unnecessary noises by ensuring proper installation. Correct installation will also help your quiet portable air conditioner to serve you longer. 

We’ve discovered that the quietest portable air conditioners have power cord and hose of about 5 to 7 feet.

The accessories need ventilation through a window, thus limiting your choices of where to position your unit.

To what extent can I use my portable air conditioner?

Like any other appliance, using a portable air conditioner to the edge of its features might result in burning it out faster.

Sometimes, you don’t have to force a portable air conditioner to cool a 400 square feet space even if it was designed to.

How do I determine where the noise is coming from? 

Aside from the white noise, the sound you are hearing may come from a locked compressor, air handler, a loose part, bad start-run capacitor, and the fan.

Fan blades produce a lot of noise if coated with dirt. Its prolonged use can also lead to bearings to go bad. It is advisable to clean the fan blades to reduce the noise and increase the unit’s life.

Likewise, compressors create more noise than fan blades, especially when worn out. Sometimes replacing it is the only choice.   

Are portable air conditioners better and quieter than window air conditioners? 

Window units achieve cooler temperatures at lower BTUs. Sometimes they can be cheaper than portable units.

However, window units need modification in your wall or window to be installed. It may even only fit standard sized windows.

On the other hand, there are quiet portable air conditioners that are cheaper than central air conditioners.

They are adjustable, with their exhaust hoses fitting most window types. Portable ACs also have high levels of BTU and could generate low levels of decibels.

How can I soundproof my already quiet portable air conditioner?

Softer surfaces are more apt to decrease the sound of your portable air conditioner.

There are a number of ways you can try if you still want to decrease the noise coming from a portable air conditioner.

First, you can put a carpet or a rag in the location of the portable AC because a carpet can absorb reverberating noises or echoes.

Equally, wall hangings or soundproof curtains can absorb the sound waves, thus decreasing the noise coming from the portable air conditioner.  

How do I store my quiet portable air conditioner? 

First, drain your quiet portable air conditioner if you want to store it. Dry the appliance by running it in fan mode for at least a day. Unplug the unit and store the cord.

Next, remove the batteries of the remote controller. Then you can clean the air filter and reinstall it. After that, remove the air hose.

Lastly, put the unit in the original carton. It must always be in an upright position and kept in a dry place.

My quiet portable air conditioner is running, but isn’t cooling. 

There are various reasons as to why this is happening. It could be caused by a detached exhaust hose or dry air filter. It may also be that the temperature setting is too high or the air intake/outlet is blocked.

You can easily solve this by cleaning the air filter or reinstalling the exhaust hose properly. Also, you must remove any blockage and reduce the temperature setting.

Can I install an additional exhaust hose to my quiet portable air conditioner? 

No, most quiet portable air conditioners are already equipped with a single hose. If you put an additional hose, the output air will become warm due to the compressor shutting down from pressure.

Hence, reducing the efficiency of the unit. Additionally, changing the exhaust hose’s length may cause the device to overheat and may also void your warranty.

final thoughts

As you can see in the table above, Haier HPC12XCR is obviously the easiest to operate, most convenient, and quietest portable air conditioner. This is our top pick for the quietest portable air conditioner this year.

If you need to ensure that a quiet portable air conditioner can effectively cool your small space, then Ivation 10,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner is a good choice.

But if you need a portable air conditioner that comes with more strength, Honeywell MN12CES  Portable Air Conditioner comes next.

If your space is bigger than 450 square feet, I suggest choosing Honeywell Contempo Series Portable Air Conditioner because it can cool spaces up to 550 square feet.

Finally, if you are specifically after a powerful and easy to use machine while ensuring quiet operation, the Honeywell MM14CCS portable air conditioner is a must-have.

These are general suggestions, since you must weigh in the advantages of a quiet portable air conditioner, as well as other functions in order to choose the right one.

Note that it is normal for appliances to create continuous noise. There is no portable AC that is completely silent.

Even the quietest portable air conditioner will produce noise levels you may not want. Remember to contemplate about soundproofing, sound absorption, and maintenance.

I hope this comprehensive buyer’s guide to the quiet portable air conditioners has led you to think what is the best model for your needs and conditions.

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